Wordle 2

  1. 5
  2. 4
  3. 3
  4. 2
  5. 1
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Wordle 2 is here, and it’s even wilder and more fun than the original version! It will challenge your word skills like never before, and you’ll surely have a blast testing them. Get ready to flex those vocabulary muscles and let’s start guessing!

The wordy playground

In Wordle 2, you’ll be doing what you love most – crafting words, solving puzzles, and completing against other word-o-maniacs. It’s like a verbal obstacle course for your brain, and it’s as much fun as it is challenging! Like before, you have a grid of five rows (for five letters) and six columns (for six tries). Come up with words, see how many of the letters are really there (and how many are right where they belong), try again, take another look, and go on until you nail it! Wordle 2 is a total word adventure that won’t leave your word-loving heart cold. Grab your dictionary, prepare your brain for a workout, and get ready to conquer that pesky grid, one word at a time!

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