Red Velvet Heardle

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Red Velvet Heardle is the daily game for fans who think they know every Red Velvet track by heart. Each day, there’s a new clip from a Red Velvet song. Your mission? Identify the song as quickly as possible. If you don’t get it right the first time or choose to skip, you’ll hear a bit more of the song to help you out.

Who’s Playing?

The Rookie: New to the Red Velvet scene but eager to learn.
The Casual Listener: Knows the hits and loves the vibes.
The Reveluv: A die-hard fan ready to show off their knowledge.
The Music Enthusiast: Loves a good challenge and is curious about K-pop.
Red Velvet Heardle isn’t just a game; it’s a daily celebration of Red Velvet’s music. It’s about connecting with the songs on a deeper level and enjoying the unique flavors the group brings to K-pop.

Share Your Wins

Nailed today’s song? Share your success and see who else is rocking the Red Velvet challenge. It’s a casual way to show your love for the music and connect with other fans.
Whether you’re here to test your Red Velvet savvy, enjoy some great tunes, or discover something new, Red Velvet Heardle offers a slice of fun for everyone. Let’s jump into today’s challenge and see if you can guess that track.

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